Earlybird Registration is OPEN, until 2/14/2023
Your cosmic playground awaits in
New Orleans, Louisiana
May 19-22, 2023
Lady Holly and Lucia Pavone invite you to
Alchemize this….
Setting boundaries and navigating the Wheel of Consent to establish your personal safe space.
Elevating communication skills, creating win-win experiences deepening intimacy.
Experiencing somatic practices to explore your senses while expanding connectivity to your body’s nervous system
Exploring your sexual energy and personal limits within a brave container, including kemetic sacred sexuality practices, tantra, and extended orgasm.
Upgrading your mind, heart, body amd spirit with Psychedelic mushrooms with supporting community
Connecting with your ancestor’s wisdom and tapping into your Divine knowing.
Retreat Details
🌀Accommodations from Friday afternoon to Monday Morning
🌀Private Chef :Friday evening Soiree, Saturday AM light meal and juice fast during the day before 🍄journey, Late night meal after 🍄 journey, Sunday Brunch & PM snack, Sunday Dinner celebration, Monday light breakfast
🌀Ceremony and Sitting for 🍄 journey
Stay tuned for more details
psilocybin mushrooms
All Divine masculine and divine feminine beings & sexual orientations are all welcome into the space for a balance of structure and flow.
Partners & Individuals
Location details: New Orleans, LA exact location TBD
Retreat Pricing $1997 individual $3777 partners
Earlybird Special: $200 off- the Individual rate will be $1777 for those you register and Pay in Full OR their deposit of $377 with a payment plan is slightly more. Earlybird partners rate is $3333 Paid in Full OR deposit of $833 with a payment plan is slightly more.
Payment, Cancelation, and Refund Policy
3 Days/3 Nights - Opening Cacao Cermony Friday Evening, Group Instruction, Private Chef, Accomodations, Sacred Mushroom Ceremony, Closing Ceremony
Payment Options:
Payment Plans are available. Earlybirds: Individuals deposit $377 with 5 Payments of $288. Partners deposit $833 with 5 Payments of $510
Full pricing payment palns after 2/14/2023: Individuals deposit of $597 Couples deposit $1777. Payments calculated according to time left before retreat.
Full balance is due by May 5, 2023
Guest Cancelation & Refund Policy:
Due to our retreat reserving private accomodations in advance and supplying meals, NO REFUNDS will be given once payment has been rendered. However, your place is transferable to another student. You are responsible for airfare and we also require you to purchase trip insurance.
Meet the Facilitators
Lucia Pavone Pleasue Instigator Permission Grantor Somatic Sex Educator, 🍄Womb Strega
Lucia Pavone is a pleasure instigator & permission grantor. East coast meets west, she prides herself in being a rule breaker in the San Francisco Bay Area. She wears many hats including international speaker, Entheogenic Womb Strega, tarot reader,Temple Priestess and instructor of the art of sensual pleasure. But, her most prized role is being a mother.
As a certified Somatic Sex Educator and Sacred Dao Pelvic Practitioner, she is dedicated and passionate about supporting people to embody their sensuality and love their juicy bodies, so they can free themselves from shame & traumas and have a sex life worth bragging about.
The daughter of Sicilian immigrants, her personal journey of healing ancestral, sexual, and religious trauma has guided her life’s purpose. An eternal seeker, she is inspired by Spirit to travel the world, embodying the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, knowledge of ancient temples, Oracles, and ancestral wisdom. She brings all of this to share in community, so that we may begin to experience planetary healing.
20 years ago, she took her first sensuality course and realized the pursuit of pleasure and supporting healing in others was her calling. She became a dedicated researcher of communication, relationships, sex and sensuality. Busting through the limitations put on a woman’s orgasm, she’s experienced over 6,000 hours of Deliberate Embodied Orgasm (full body, extended orgasm).
In 2017, Lucia teamed up with the late Dr. Juan Acosta Urquidi, neuroscientist/shaman, to research the effects of full body, extended orgasm. Preliminary findings of QEEG readings showed that the brain goes into a hypnagogic state, much like when we use psychedelics. Making the correlation, she understood the important healing properties of sacred Earth medicine and integrated psilocybin into her client sessions.
Lucia believes that by experiencing the universe through sensual gratification, pleasurable communication, and a woman's orgasm, life has infinite possibilities.
Lady Holly- Know Thy Sex , Plesure Solutionist,Spiritual Life Coach, Cosmic Sexuality Consutant,Cosmic Orgasm Award winning Indie R&B Soul Artisit